A single calculation of objects of a unified genetic-selective complex in the forest resources of the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions I.P Bolonin., V.E. Kylakov, R.V. Rogovtsev Branch of the Federal Governmental Institution «Russian Center of Forest Protection» « The Forest Protection Center of the Novosibirsk region» The creation of a unified genetic-selective complex (UGSC) promotes the forest genetic resources conservation and exploitation. The Novosibirsk region is a leader in the quantity and in the quality of the UGSC objects in Siberia. In the 70-80-s, the regional, all-union and international scientific-practical conferences on creating a constant forest-seed Center on the genetic-selective basis were annually held under the auspices of the Berdsk experimental special seed-forestry. The research and creation of the selective-seed objects (SSO) were carried out under the scientific methodological control of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Forest Genetics and Selection (CSRIFGS) and Academic Institutions: the Biological Institute, the Sukachev Institute of Forest and Wood, SB RAS. In 2007, a unique inventory of the UGSC objects in the forest resources of the Novosibirsk and the Omsk regions was carried out by the Branch of the Federal Governmental Institution «Russian Center of Forest Protection» «The Forest Protection Center of the Novosibirsk region». The quality of some genetic-selective objects turned out to be rather low. For example, during 30-35 years after selecting «plus» trees about 15-18 % of specimens were suffering from frost-clefts, injuries by pest and disease and other 12-15% were exposed by windfalls, snow breaks, fires and other mechanical failures. The trees, in which «plus» features are not confirmed by experimental data of testing cultures (the first group) are excluded from the State Register and are deleted from the SSO. It is proposed to exclude the trees, which were mechanically damaged (the second group) from the State Register, but not to delete them from the Constant Forest-Seed Center (CFSC) if their descendants normally grow. The minimal representation of clones (families) on the FSP (no less than 50 pcs.) should be determined with allowance for the fact that 15-18 % of trees might be « minus». By January 2008, in the Novosibirsk region, there have been selected 603 «plus-trees» i.e. Scotch pine – 306, Siberian cedar – 107, Siberian spruce – 75, Siberian fir – 74, Siberian larch – 54 pcs. În their basis there were created 149.7 hectares of forest seed orchards: pine – 66.9 hectares, cedar – 52.3 hectares, larch – 30.5 hectares, and also 51.4 hectares of archives of clones, 15.8 – testing cultures. There were formed 78.9 constant forest-seed lands; there were selected 2585 hectares of forest genetic reserves. In view of the limitation of funds for maintenance of the seed-forest plantations, 40 % of objects are not prepared for the attestation. In spite of the above mentioned disadvantages, the Novosibirsk region has all the conditions for creating FSP. Such FSP will be the first in Siberia and will have a higher genetic value. In the Omsk region, the «plus» trees have not been attested according to legal documents, therefore 70% turned out to be «unidentified». It is proposed to select the «plus» trees of Siberian spruce on artificial plantations (planting of 1905, Podgorodny forestry) and Scotch pine on a highly productive plantation (1 rowth class) on the South boundary of the forest-steppe zone (the Omsk forestry), in the volume to be sufficient for creating the forest-seed plantations (FSP), i.e. no less than 60 (pcs.) . As a whole, in the regions with intensive forestry keeping, the most productive forestlands are involved in the selective inventory. The priority lines of the development of the UGSC in the near future could be: estimating the state of the SSO and of scientific objects for revealing the promising clones (families) for the creation of objects of a higher genetic value and increasing the UGSC volumes at the expense of the group (population) selection.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition